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Monday, October 13, 2008

Arrgggg Nasty Cold Time

Hello again. Today is cruddy. I some how recieved a cold from someone and I have no idea who from. But in return I did hand it over to my husband as well, on accident.
As for Trinity she is doing ok. She keeps getting sick between 3am-4am, like clock work and I am doing laundry around the clock. She is smiling still and is happy, but she still does have a bad diaper rash from the Hospital and she cries when I change her. We are still as far as I know going to Stanford Universtiy. I still have not heard anything from the Oregon Health Plan lady or anyone else for that matter, probably beacuse it is Columbis Day and they are closed. Other that that no more news that my stuffed up head can think of. Well, till next time.

Chantel R. Conn

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