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Monday, June 9, 2008

Finally Out Of The Hospital

Hi there. I know that I said she would be out by tomorrow but I asked the Dr's. if it would be OK if they could release her this afternoon and they said she was doing great and that it would be fine. Today they did take her biliruben sample and said that it was way outrageous cause her blood is clotting and that they would take it next Wednesday and that there was no worries. So as we were getting ready she puked up her formula and the nurse fed her 4 oz and she didn't know that she was getting only 2oz for a bit. So then got her kinda cleaned up and then headed down to the car she was fine and all that. Then got almost to the freeway, maybe a block away and I had the car radio turned down enough that I would hear her if she did get sick again and low and behold (blahhh). OK so I pull over get her changed cause its all gross and then her stomach where her drain was is leaking and that is all over her new outfit. So we get to the station and such . She is crying and she is gassy. We then in turn go and get her prescriptions and as we are turning into Safeway parking lot she gets sick again... there goes outfit # 2 and blanket # 2 . Get her out of the clothes and her drain hole is leaking yet again, so I change her diaper, then wrap her up in a big soft blanket. So as we get back out to the car she is leaking out her drain again and have to change it. We get home get her all cleaned up somewhat change her bandages, clothes ect and she is crying cause she is so gassy. I pat her on the back and she gives me this nasty formula burp in my face. (blah). Get her in the car and back to the gastation , and as of this time being she is doing well. Making faces and smiling a little at people. So ya there are some down falls to what has happened to our family , but to tell you all the truth , I wouldn't change it for the world.
Made me open up my eyes and realize that life is what you make it , so make it as best you can.
Till next time
Chantel Conn

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