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Tuesday, November 11, 2008


OH MY!!! Finally can update everyone now that the Hospital has Internet. It is crazy down here and I really want to be home at the moment! They are doing construction work from 6 am until 5pm Monday - Friday! Then the Internet has been down for 4 days and I was not able to access it anywhere till it was fixed. So far here is news... She is losing weight daily and she looks ok just really scrawny. The Liver Dr and his team were up to visit me and My husband, along with my son and Dad and they let us know that if they did not send in a e-mail along with some pictures to get her Peld Score higher then she would not last for 2 months with the Peld Score being just 28. It was at a 30 but her albumin levels in her liver had got more normal and then the Peld Score went down again. So they are submitting a e-mail and a picture like I said above to UNOS (which is called United Network for Organ Sharing) so they can make an exception for her and get her Peld Score to 35-40 instead of what it is. The Dr's. told me this is very promising and that after they get through this hoop which will take about a week, then it will be 1-2 weeks until we get a liver. I am very happy with the progress, and I hope it happens soon. Well gonna go take a respiratory break talk to ya all later.

Chantel R. Conn

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