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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Very Graphic Liver Pictures " NOT FOR THE WEAK STOMACHED"

Hi there one more time. Here are the liver pictures for the viewing audience. Please if you get sick easily please do not look at these. It is not very gross but I would feel really badly if some one did get sick

1)This first picture is of it on the cart. To the left of you in the bag that is sort of tan is a healthy adult's liver, and to the right the pieces of green are Trinity's liver.

2) This second picture is a close up picture of a slice of her liver. (They already had this cut up in pieces before I had arrived and 2 pieces are missing since they are doing tests on it) On this picture the top right hand side of this piece is where her gallbladder was sitting before her Kasi procedure. The pieces of it still are sort of there. The brown in the liver also is from rotting and where her bile duct was located before the Kasi Procedure.

If you have any questions please e-mail me and for my family you can call me. I would love to answer them.

Chantel R. Conn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad they got that nasty thing out of her. I wish I could have been there through everything. I love you all, and hopefully I will see you after my baby is born.

Love always,