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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ok...I will break down the medical terms.. XD!

GGT-is a liver function test used int the diagnosis and monitoring of hepatobiliary diseases. Full name is Gamma Gluamyltransferase.

CBC-is a complete blood test, and it measures the concentration of white and red cells, and also platelets in the blood.

CMV-is Cytomegalovirus. (sight-o-me-galo-virus)Which is a common virus that either you or I have been exposed to. Well in Trinity's case since she is immune -o- pressed she got it and it infected her badly. It is a member of the herpes virus family and can be dormant for a while and then flare its ugly head again. It is not infectious by touch or anything like that and it is not associated with food, water or animals. It is possible she got it from her liver transplant also. Who knows.

ALT- is alanine aminotransferase. It is a blood test to measure if your liver is damaged or not. ALT are chemicals that the liver cells release when they are damaged or sick. ALT is not a perfect test for liver damage, but it shows only the liver cell damage taking place the day when the blood was drawn. And no one really knows how much damage is taking place unless a sample of your liver(Liver Biopsy)is examined.

AST- is another blood test to just be used primarily to diagnose and monitor the course of the liver disease. And the ALT is usually one blood test to go with this one as well.

Ng Tube- is called a Naso Gastric tube. It's just a small tube that goes through your nose down to your stomach. Then you are hooked to a machine that has a formula or food bag off of an I.V pole and it feeds you 12 hrs in a day or 24 hour period.

Him- yes I am slept deprived and I did not say my Husband "Donny", until the last bit of my blog! So yes him is my husband Donny... XD!

1 comment:

medical said...

This is really neat. Nowadays, people would consult everything online. It's nice that medical dictionary is also available i the internet.