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Monday, November 24, 2008


YESSS!! We are free from the hospital and at the Ronald McDonald House for the time being till we get to come home! I am excited and kinda worried at the same time, cause it has been a month since Sissy has been with me 24-7. It's really weird and nice at the same time. Tonight we got all her medicine rounded up (well actually the Dr's did and Mommy was running around going nuts cause the car insurance company was giving me the run around about the rental car), anyways so got all that done and then the nurse came in and took out her PICC line that was located in her right arm, so all we have now left is the bile bag which will be capped off here on Wed. She is eating a bottle through out the day and then she is still on continuous feeds during the night. (Don't ask me why I have no idea why they won't let me just feed her normal.) So we are doing well and she is sleeping good at the moment. She has been teething something awful last night and kept Mommy up till 3:30 am.. Ya no sleep for me! But other than that things are going well. Her labs look good and 2x a week we are going to go over for lab draws so they can get her medication all balanced out for her to go home soon. Gosh I miss Oregon... I will probably get lost just going home, feels like an eternity! Well Till Next Time!

Live, Laugh & Love,
Chantel R. Conn

1 comment:

Jeff and Sarah said...

We're so glad to hear that you guys are doing well and that you've been released from the hospital! That is great news!! Sorry about the sleepless nights... We're still praying for Trinity's quick recovery! Have a happy Thanksgiving with all the fam! :)

<3 from all of us