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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Doing Just Fine For The Time

Hi again. Ya I know I have been slacking on the posts lately... sorry! As of today the liver Dr. has her on Lasics 3x a day, (which is a liquid form for a water pill), and she is getting albumin 1x a day and she is on all day Ng tube feedings. The Dr said that she looks fuller in the face and that they would like to get a picture of her and send that down to Stanford (Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital) so they can possibly bump her higher on the list, which I think is wonderful! Then Child Life came in to visit me and they were looking for family's for some company to buy presents for, since the family's that are up here won't be spending the holidays at home! God bless them for doing that and it really means a lot to me! So got that all done and then the chaplin just came to me and asked me if I need any prayer requests, and I just said say a little one for Trinity! So now it is off for me to get clean and eat breakfast. Ya I know its late... what can ya do right? Then I am going to go down and get my camera so they can use it to take a picture of Trinity and get that sent of A.S.A.P!
Well anyways talk to ya all soon! Till Next Time!

Chantel R. Conn

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