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Friday, August 27, 2010

Went To Primary Care Physican

Hello all again. Well yesterday at about 8:30 am we went to Trinity's physican here localy in our town and she checked out great with a clean bill of health. He read me a little bit of the synopsis of what they were thinking it was since 2 of the Dr's were not agreeing with one another. One thought it was Staph Infection and the other thought it was Chicken Pox. So really they still didn't know after all this time and 15x pokes and 2 blood draws later. So the Dr here just said to keep her on the antibotics and that she would be good to go, but if any more bumps showed up to give him a call immediatly and take her in to see him. So she is looking great and is back pretty much to her normal self. Just have to wait to get her re-adjusted to home life since she was up there for almost a week she wasn't sleeping good and that takes time for her to adjust back to her schedual at home. Well that is all for now.. till next time.

Live, Laugh, Love,

Chantel R. Conn

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